A Short Bio

I've lived in Utah all my life and love it here. Utah is simply incredible in its scenic variety. I currently reside in Tooele (just outside of Salt Lake City), with my wife and 4 children.

I was first introduced to the art of nature photography in high school through the book "Mountain Light", by pro-adventure photographer Galen Rowell. His images and adventures captivated me, and gave me additional motivation to seek the "freedom of the hills".

Although I enjoy photography as an art by itself, my entire motivation and inspiration come from wild places. Most of my favorite images were made on multi-day backpacking trips where I can become immersed in natural surroundings. Such trips have included the Great Western Trail through Utah, the Pacific Crest Trail through the Sierras and Cascades, and multiple trips to Utah's High Uintas Wilderness on peak-climbing trips.

Self-portrait, Cascades, Washington

A Few Interesting Places My Photographs Have Been Used ...

My guidebook, "Utah Thirteeners", was published in April, 2004 by the University of Utah Press. It contains over 50 photos, including a full-color insert containing seven photographs of this magnificent wild region of Utah. You can browse dozens of Uinta Mountain images on the website, UtahThirteeners.com.

    Verizon Yellow Pages 2008 cover photo of the Great Salt Lake as seen from the Great Western Trail (Wasatch Range).
    Big Sky Journal  included a short bio and several photographs in the 2004 Arts Issue.

Website: BigSkyJournal.com

    My photo of Cascade Lilies was used as a background for software developed for the Adolph Basser Cardiac Institute.
    NEC Solutions America used a Canyonlands image to visually enhance their MobilePro 900 product.

Website: NEC.com



about | contact | privacy policy DavidRosePhoto.com, 772 N. Main #199, Tooele, Utah 84074, U.S.A.